3.1 – Exercise : River of Life

Please click to view instructions and experience the activity among yourselves –

  • Here is an activity on learning to empathise. We call it the “River of life”.  Here’s what you do. Split yourselves in groups of 3. 
  • You get 10 -15 minutes to draw/sketch creatively about the events you remember of your life so far in a KG cardboard or chart paper.
  • Please do go back in time and in chronological sequence sketch out with crayons or color pencils  kindergarten, events like school joining, exams, sports events, music/dance events, travel, birthdays and draw them on a sheet of paper along with any family members, friends as you remember.
  • These could have been events you vividly remember or ones that made you who you are today. Remember there is no right or wrong , it is just your life from the time you  remember to now.
  • After you are done, show your drawings to group members and say nothing, until they ask you questions to understand better.
You saw the video on the activity “River of Life”, and played it amongst your team members. From the activity, share your experience on the following aspects:
1. Which particular chart made you think, “Oh, I would have not seen it in that angle like that person did”?
2. Which chat made you think, “I wish I got to experience that too”?
3. How did this entire activity of seeing each other’s river of life affect you? What do you think and feel about it? Why do you think you were asked to do it?

Great! Now go to Self-Notes and Write down –

  • Different perspectives/angles
  • Experiences that you missed
  • What evoked and stirred your mind as you listened and shared
and share it with your faculty.