Write about an incident when you noticed a family member or a friend experience a feeling of happiness/ sadness/ anger/ fear. What did you notice about their situation, body language, and expression? What did you think about that person in that moment? Did you get a chance to speak to them that time? If yes, what did you tell them and why?
You can refer to them as “subject” if you want to keep their name anonymous. From the box below, you may choose the words to describe the emotions that you observed in your subject.
Disappointed Angry Scared Irritated Anxious Dejected Shout Frown Sulk Shiver Wide eyes Tense body Jumpy Dull Low tone Throwing things Walking continuously Furious Fast heart beat Aggressive Depressed Hopeless Cheerful Loud tone Hyper active Continuous talking
Great! Now go to Self Notes and write about your observations and feelings on about 3 to 4 situations you recall and share it with your faculty.